About Us and where we are located.
We are located on 82 picturesque acres where you can see for miles and completely private, but within feet of access to Interstate 70. Located approximately 10 miles from Washington, Pa and 19 miles east of Wheeling, WV.
This is the home of our stallions of which spend their days grazing in lush grass and playing in open fields. They are allowed to enjoy the seasons. Our stallions are not kept in their stalls unless the weather conditions are dangerous for them. They are on pasture and allowed to be the magnificent horses that they are.
We will continue to provide the public with some exceptional stallions for breeding services.
We are looking forward to a great breeding season for 2020.
For Stallion Breeding Information Contact:
Donna Varner
24 Varner Drive
Claysville, PA 15323
CELL 724- 825-0124
E-mail: aqhastallions@hotmail.com